Week 1:Intro to 3D Fundamentals
Introduction on Unit 1’s (Intro to 3D Fundamentals) assignments and notes on how to make your work be professional.
Unit 1 brief:
How to Document Work
Conforming bias an learning:
Evidence vs what we believe. We can often ignore opposing evidence based upon what we have chosen to believe.
Zoology (study of animals): Discover evidence and then from a hypothesis.
Crypto-zoology (study of mythological animals): Have a belief and look for evidence to support that belief.
A ‘bad’ Article/ Post
- A non-descriptive (meaningless) title.
- No image.
- Small video.
- No text – no thoughts or context.
- Non-professional avatar
- Boring a non-organised template.
- Very confusing for the reader.
- You won’t remember your thoughts.
- Stay professional.
- Spell check.
- Think ‘magazine/book layout’.
- You may show this to an employer one day.
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