Week 7 – Meeting Notes

So far I have mentioned out meeting notes throughout the weekly asset blog posts (the feedback they gave me on my animation assets). However this weeks meeting is a more important one nearing the end of our project, so I made a whole post about it and all that was discussed. The meeting was held in person on 04/03/2022.

Topics to discuss

  • Review of bees wings I will show them the renders with motion blur. This was the group can decide which they like while seeing it more realistically (how it should look in Unity and in the game), rather than only through play blasts.
  • Review of David’s animation assets.
  • Review of the environment with Sophia.
  • Review of gameplay with Hisham.
  • Talk about how we should improve the game’s narrative, for example, provide the audience with more exposition.


  • Cam could be off to the side, so you do not only see the bee’s behind, but instead the behind at a slight angle.
  • It is essential, if we have time, that I make some exposition models that show that there has been a hurricane.
  • Ending? still unconfirmed. ending cinematic of the bee returning to the hive. Or it just shows credits and goes back to the start menu.
  • Credits= fade in and out cinematically.
  • Time of day is pending.
  • Weather system (wind) is applied.

Other Requirements in the Game Scene

Environment Models:

I realised that with the time that we have left (2 weeks), someone on the team has to make some models for to add to the environment. Sooner rather than later. Sophia has been using preset models to fill the environment, since she doesn’t know how to model and texture. While this is fine for the main areas, but we need some customized (rarer) models that she cannot easily find. David is not too confident either. Therefore if we want more models, the task falls upon me. However, sue to time constraints, I plan to complete them very simply and quickly. These models should include:

  • Beehive
  • Tree trunks
  • Wood planks
  • Wooden structure.

Exposition models:

  • Signs with hurricane symbols on, or warning/ hazard signs.
  • Parts of wood, or wrecked structures.
  • We need a beehive model.
  • More debris around the environment.