Week 9 – Deer and Cloth Assets
Cloth Asset
For this asset, I implemented Maya n-cloth. The settings were; low gravity, around 5-7. Wind speed at about 10. Wing noise between 10-30, depending on the n-cloth pre-set. Which was either silk, t-shirt, or burlap sack. I intended to provide many different versions with various wind noise strengths, cloth pre-sets and mesh shapes. This way the team can choose the ones with the best fit for the game and location.
Mood board Visual References
Maya Models
I implemented a loose thread as the constraint point, this way it can seem as thought the loose thread is caught on an object and the ripped cloth is blowing in the wind, naturally fitting with the environment concept.
These rips should move around more when the animation plays which will provide me with the necessary aesthetic that I am aiming for.
Play Blast Tests
Animation Render
I love the animation result. I was trying to save time by not using Substance Painter and only adding a material in Maya. Nevertheless, the result, due to the modelling rip additions, looks amazing in my opinion. I managed to find nucleus and n-cloth present settings that ensured the appropriate movement that I wished for.
Setting for nucleus:
N-cloth present: ‘T-shirt’.
Gravity: 8.
Wind speed: 10.
Wind noise: 20.
Wing direction: X=0.1, Z=1.
Deer Asset
We decided, due to time constraints and personal choices, that I should focus on only animating the deer. I will use a model and rig that I have found online.
I found the rig to not be usable on either of the online version. Perhaps, I am not experienced enough to know the procedure. Nevertheless, this allowed me to practice rigging a quadruped animal.
Asset Production Halted
Unfortunately, the progress of both of these assets was halted, to prioritise other essential assets (making the bee animation work). The issues I had took up too much time, these assets will have to be added outside of the academic deadline. However, I was still able to make the cloth animation, thankfully. Even if I couldn’t use it in the game.
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