Collaborative Project Submission Post

Submission of the Collaborative Project

‘To Bee’ Game Playthrough

Too Bee Playtest 1 – YouTube

Too Bee Playthrough 3 T – YouTube

Project Portfolio Video

(I uploaded this here since it wouldn’t upload onto the submission page).

Link to Collaborative Project on my Blog:

2.2 Collaborative Unit (

Link to Weekly Progress Summary:

Collaborative Project – Weekly Progress (

Links to Weekly Posts:

Week 1 – Collaborative Unit Brief (

Week 2 – Project Proposal/ Description/ Plan (

Week 3 – Further Concept Changes, Roles and Plans (

Week 4 – Tests and Experiments (

Questions to Summaries the Project/ Product (

Week 5 and 6 – Flower Asset (

Sound Design Collaborators (

Week 7 – Meeting Notes (

Week 7 and 8 – Bee Asset (

Week 8 – Environment Models (

Week 8 – Bee swarm Asset (

Week 9 – Deer and Cloth Assets (

The Collaboration Team’s Online Posts

This may produce more of an insight into the games designer’s perspective of this project.

Hisham’s blog:

To Bee DevLog – Hisham Jarad (

Sophia’s blog:

To Bee – Collaborative Project – Sophia Mcpolin Game Design (


Our roles and responsibilities may have been assigned from the beginning, however they our contribution evolves further as the project progressed, according to necessary workload needs. The final role and responsibilities assignment looks like this:

  • Hisham, Director & Game Designer – Game Mechanics (inc. Camera Operation)
  • Sophia, Environment Leader & Game Designer – World-building and Pollination Mechanics
  • Mesha, Producer & Scribe, 3D Modelling Artist, 3D Animator – 3D Modelling and Animation
  • David, 3D Animator, UI Artist – Title Screen and UI Animation

Project Conclusion

My organisation was suitable, however time management needed more work. My lack of experience in the techniques held me back slightly, however through the testing week, I was able to gain more research and practice in the methodology.

I am satisfied with the professional quality of the video game animations I have produced. Applying animation techniques and principles appropriately throughout my development process. However, I feel that if I had to produce the animations again, I would do them differently, having learned from the mistakes in this project. For example I would try using planes for the flower petals and animating them using deformers, just like in reference video I collected. The game’s visuals did not go to my intended standard, such as the flower game, yet the final outcome achieved the teams initial goals well. There were many issues that held my work back such as animations not working in Unity. Consequently, I had to spend an excessive amount of time attempting to fix these issues or by restarting rigs and animations. Nevertheless, I managed to produce the essential animations required by the games designers to use in the game, at a standard that everyone of my team and the people I received feedback from were satisfied with.

Team Summary

In summary I am incredibly grateful to have worked with this team. I found everyone to be highly motivated, skilled and with a keen eye for detail which helped us to create the best gaming experience we could. I am very proud of the result and very glad to have had the opportunity to work on this project.