Collaborative Project – Weekly Progress

This post describes my weekly development in the project.

Week 1-3

Planning and preparation for the game project.

Week 4

This week, I experimented with the animation methodology that I would use to make my animation assets.

Week 5 – 6

Flower asset.

Flower Animation Rendered.

Week 7

Bee asset. Due to numerous issues, I was working on this asset up until the deadline, restarting rigs, animations and trying to make the the animation play in unity.

Character made in Substance Painter.

Week 8

Environment Designs, bee swarm and deer asset (the deer asset couldn’t be made for the game due to time constraints).

Bee Swarm

Bee swarm playblasts.
Bee swarm renders.

Broken Wooden Planks

Broken Tree Stump


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Week 9

In week 9 I worked on cloth asset (which didn’t work), refinement of smaller elements and continued with the player bee animation asset and fixing its problems.

Bee character animations.
Refined bee animation. Not the one used for the game, but the best animation produced.