Chain Swinging Animation

Within this task, I have produced a physically realistic chain swinging animation.


The exact style, speed, distance and volume of the chain swing will depend on the chain’s weight, length, material texture, gravity and outside influences (e.g. wind). For example, the animation above shows a heavier weight that my own, as well as having a starting position that makes the chain have an inconsistent swing.

Chain Task

Used weighted tangents- give the swing weight.

First step: Select all controls and rotate to about -40. and key frame all with ‘S’.

Frame distribution: (KEY= Frame: unit degrees of rotation).

1:-40, 18:32, 34:-25, 49:20, 63:-17, 76:14, 88:-10, 99:7, 109: -5, 118:3, 126:-1.5, 133:0.9, 140:-0.5, 146:0.

Add a couple of key frames about 4 frames away from each swing key frame, to give more time in the air. Move the rotation slightly higher, e.g. starting from 2 degrees (and add a decay). I believe by adding this, I am adding the slow-in and out to make it more natural. Only add these extra frames on the first few largest curves in the graph editor. This is because the air time will decrease further in the animation as it is coming to a stop.

Next step: Currently, the links feel very stiff and unnatural. To fix this I will add an offset. I chose to offset increase by one for each handle. By that I mean that the gap between the first handle was one, the second gap was two and the third was three. Like so:

I was not sure about this animation so I tried a single frame gap and also 2 frame gap.

1 frame gap.
2 frame gap.

I am not sure about the first option (gaps of 1,2 and then 3), however the 2 frame gap is quite loose. RULE: the larger gap= loose feel. I think the frame gap is suitable for my animation.

Play Blasts

Final Animation

Peer Review:

It looks too ‘plain’. While the animation is principally accurate, it is sufficient for this purpose, it can be improved further. Just as the reference video above (see research section), if there are exterior influences then it looks more natural. Although, this is hard to do it I am animating manually in comparison to adding a point constraints to a chain model and allowing Maya to generate it the swing with gravity and wind.

Also, I think the chain feels heavier than the appearance of this chain’s material. I should have taken more consideration to alter the animation appropriately.